Dear ladies, at first Buddah went on a diet, but enlightenment hasn't come. Then he started eating and vouala! Keep this always in mind
Today I learned more about Buddhism in 2 hours conversation with monk than in my all previous visits of Buddhist temples
looking at the statues and frescoes.
I often said that if I could choose, the closest way of life to me is not Christianity, Judaism,
but Buddhism and I can't practice it because Buddhism requires one to be vegetarian.
Yesterday I found my flavor of Buddhism, NON vegetarian! I am sold!
Few memorable quotes from yesterday:
We can heal mental pain, for physical one we suggest seeing physician.
-Have no expectations and you won't have disappointments.
-We do not worship Buddha, he was not a god.
-Learn yourself.
-Person without desires is a dead person.
-We are all enlightened. All we have to do is to release it from within.
December 3 . Meth Boo Sewana Vipassana Meditation Center.
Today we visited turtle hatchery and conservation center.
December 4 · Balapitiya, Sri Lanka
Holiday spirit in the night Colombo, the country where all religions live in peace and harmony.
December 4 · Colombo, Sri Lanka
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